Story of Prophet Ibrahim, Sarah, hajar and Ismail(A)

Read the first part of Ibrahim’s(A) here

The long journey

After years of calling people to Allah(SWT), the Prophet realized nobody else would listen to his words.

So, he decided to migrate to another country.

He wanted to spread the message of Allah(SWT) in another nation.

The Prophet then asked his father to join him, but he refused.

The Prophet, the woman, and Lut (as) then started their long journey!

They traveled through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt and called out the people to Allah (SWT).

They helped the poor they could find on the way and did many good deeds that made people happy!

In the meantime, the Prophet Lut (as) migrated to the Dead Sea and settled down there.

And after a few months, the Prophet married Sarah! She was a good believer, and they wanted to have children who would spread the message of Allah(SWT) after their time.

The Prophet and his wife traveled again for many days through the desert.

The evil king

One day, they happened to enter the territory of an evil king. The evil King came to know about the beautiful wife of the Prophet, and he wanted to take her. So he sends one of his soldiers to bring the Prophet to him. The soldier brought the Prophet before the King.

“Who is the lady accompanying you?” asked the evil King,

The Prophet replied that she was his sister.

The evil King then asked the Prophet to bring Sarah to his court.
He said he wanted to meet this beautiful woman that everyone in his kingdom was talking about.

The Prophet went to his wife and said

“The king wants to meet you.”

“Do not ever tell him that you are my wife because I’ve told him that you are my sister,” the Prophet told his wife.

When Sarah went to the King’s palace, the King was struck by her beauty, and he tried to take hold of her with his hands!

But when his hand got near Sarah, it became stiff, and he could not move it!!

The King was scared that he would request Sarah.

“Please pray to Allah (SWT) for me, and I will never harm you.”

When Sarah prayed to Allah (SWT), his hands got cured miraculously!!

But the moment he realized that his hands were cured, the foolish King tried to take hold of Sarah again!!

And for the second time, his hands got stiff. The King couldn’t move his hands at all!!

“Please pray to Allah (SWT) for me. I shall never harm you again!” said the King.

Sarah prayed to Allah again, and his hands got cured for the second time.


This time the King realized that Sarah was no ordinary woman. So, he gave Sarah a gift! He gave her one of his Egyptian maidservants, whose name was Hajar!

When Sarah returned home, the Prophet asked her what had happened.

“Allah (SWT) taught that evil King a lesson, and he gave me maid- Hajar,” replied Sarah.

Years passed, and the Prophet grew old.

His hair grayed, but he continued to call people back to Allah (SWT).

Sarah, too, had grown old, and she realized that she would no longer be able to give birth to a child.

So, she asked the Prophet to marry their servant Hajar.

She then prayed to Allah(SWT) to bless them with a child!

After a few months, Hajar gave birth to a child, and they named him Ismail!

By now, the Prophet had grown very old!

Journey to Macca

One day, the Prophet woke up. He felt like Allah(SWT) wanted him to do something. So he went to Hajar.

“Get Ismail,” He said

“Get ready for a long journey.”

With the baby in her arms, Ibrahim (as) and his wife kept traveling for a long time.

They walked for many days until they reached a desert valley near the Al-Marwah mountain.

There were no fruits, trees, food, or water either!

No signs of any life could be found in the valley.

The Prophet then left his wife and son with a small amount of
food and water.

This was hardly enough for both of them to last for two days!!

The Prophet then turned around and started walking away.

His wife hurried after him.

“Where are you going, leaving us in this barren valley?” she cried to him.

But the Prophet did not answer her and kept walking away.

She called him again, but the Prophet remained silent and walked away!

Finally, she understood that the Prophet was not acting on his own.

She realized that Allah(SWT) had commanded him to do this.

“Did Allah(SWT) command you to do so?” She asked him.

The Prophet shook his head and continued walking. Then his great-wife said

“We are not going to be lost since Allah(SWT) who commanded you is with us.”

The Prophet was very sad as he had left his wife and son in a barren desert where no other people existed. He prayed to Allah(SWT) to give his wife and son enough food. And he asked Allah(SWT) to send people with good hearts to them.

Prophet Ibrahim (as) left his wife and son in a barren desert as commanded by Allah (SWT). He had left them with a small amount of food and water that would hardly last for two days! He walked away, praying that a good person would find them.

Zamzam well

Hajar(RA) drank the water that the Prophet had left so that she could feed her son. The water got over very soon, and both started getting thirsty.

After some time, the baby started getting thirsty and started to cry!

She ran to a hill close by called Al Marwah, hoping that she might find somebody. She stood there hoping to find somebody, but she did not!!

Then she ran to the next mountain called Al Safa, hoping to find someone from there!

But she couldn’t find anyone from there either!

She kept running between these mountains seven times!

She was very tired when she climbed Al Marwah for the last time. She got so tired that she sat next to her baby. It was then that she heard a voice. She kept quiet and waited to listen to the voice again.

When she heard the voice for the second time, she said, “O, whoever you might be, you have made me hear your voice! Have you got something to help me?”

That was when she saw an angel digging the earth! The angel kept digging till the water flowed from it!

It was a miracle! When she saw the water, she ran toward it and built a basin around it.

She scooped the water with her hands and drank from it. Then she filled the water bag and ran towards her child.

This place where the water rose is called Zam Zam.

Human settlements in Makkah

After a few days, some people were traveling through Mecca. They saw the birds flying around Al Marwah and thought the birds might be flying around the water.

They started walking towards Al Marwah. When they arrived, they were surprised to find a woman babysitting near the water!

“Shall we stay here and use this water, please?” They asked her. Hajar(RA) said yes, and they drank water from the Zam Zam.

Like that, many others came to Al Marwah and eventually settled there. The whole valley became alive now, and she and her child were not alone anymore!

Ismail (as) grew up and learned Arabic from the people who had settled down at Al Marwah.

He was a good boy, and his virtues and qualities made people admire him.

He kept thinking about his father and knew that his father would come back someday!

Ismail (as) then married a local woman and lived his life in peace.

In the meantime, Prophet Ibrahim (as) was very sad because he had not seen his son for a very long time.

One day, he went to Mecca to meet his wife and son. He traveled for many days and finally arrived at Al Marwah.
But it was very late.

When he arrived, people told him that Hajar(RA) had died some time ago. The Prophet was very sad to hear this, and the local people told the Prophet that his son, Ismail (as), was still alive!

The Prophet was happy to hear this and thanked Allah (SWT)!

When Ismail(as) saw his father, he ran to him and hugged him very tightly. He could not believe his eyes!! He was delighted to see his father after a long time. It was a very happy time for both of them.

The sacrifice of Ismail(A)

One day, Allah decided to test Ibrahim(as). One night when the Prophet was sleeping, he saw a dream!

In his dream, the Prophet saw himself killing his son as a sacrifice to Allah (SWT).

The Prophet woke up and ignored it as if it was just a dream But the next night, he saw the same dream again!

This time he realized that this was not just a dream, and Allah(SWT) asked him to sacrifice his son!

The Prophet went to his son and told him about the dream.

Ismail (as) realized that it was an order from Allah(SWT)

“Do what Allah(SWT) has asked you to.” He told his father.

The next day, the Prophet took a rope and a knife and set out for mount Arafat, along with his son.

Upon reaching the top of the mountain, Ismail (as) asked his father to tie his hand and legs so that he may not struggle during the sacrifice.

The Prophet obliged and tied his hands and legs. Then he blindfolded himself so that he won’t have to watch his son suffer. The Prophet raised his knife, but then suddenly, he heard a voice from the sky.

He took off his blindfold and saw a sheep being sent from heaven. Allah(SWT) had sent the sheep to be sacrificed instead of Ismail(as) The Prophet was really happy because his son was going to be alive!

The Prophet and his son had just passed a difficult test from Allah(SWT). Ibrahim (as) slaughtered the sheep, and they had a big celebration.

Building of Kaaba

The Prophet and his son kept calling people to worship Allah(SWT). They didn’t have any place to worship Allah(SWT)

So one day, Allah(SWT) ordered the Prophet to build a house.

“Allah(SWT) has ordered me to build a Kabbah.” The Prophet said to his son.

And Ismail(as) replied

“Do what your God has ordered you to do”.

The Prophet then asked his son if he could help him build the Kabah, and Ismail (as) agreed.

They started building the foundation of the Kabah. Ismail (as) brought the stones, while Ibrahim (as) built the house.

When the walls got tall, Ismail(as) brought a large stone for the
prophet to work by standing on it.

This stone was called Maqam-e-Ibrahim.

When they completed the foundation and built the corners, Ibrahim(as) asked Ismail(as) to find the stone to fill the corner.

“I feel tired,” Ismail (as) said to his father. But when Ibrahim(as) insisted, Ismail(as) went searching for the stone.

While he was gone, an angel got the Prophet a stone. The angel told him that this stone was brought to earth by Adam(A) from Jannah!

Ismail(as) returned after some time when he saw the stone. He was surprised and asked his father where it came from.

“It was brought by someone who never gets tired,” replied Ibrahim(as). They finally completed building the Kabah.

They prayed to Allah (SWT) to accept their work. Allah(SWT) was pleased with the Prophet and his son for spreading his message.

“It was brought by someone who never gets tired,” replied Ibrahim(as). They finally completed building the Kabah.

They prayed to Allah (SWT) to accept their work. Allah(SWT) was pleased with the Prophet and his son for spreading his message.

And proclaimed the pilgrimage among men, they will come to thee on foot, and on every kind of camel, lean an account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways.

Three Angels and Prophet Ishaaq(A)

The Prophet grew old, and so did his wife, Sarah.

One day when he was sitting outside his house, he saw three men coming toward his house.

The three men were angels sent by Allah (SWT). The Prophet welcome them inside to have food. The strangers went in and sat down for food.

The Prophet served them a roasted calf! But the strangers did not touch the food at all.

The Prophet started to fear. Then the angels comforted the Prophet and asked him not to worry.

They told him that they were the angels sent by Allah (SWT). They told him they had come to his house to deliver good news.

They said Allah (SWT) would give them a son, and he should name him Ishaaq.

They also told him that his son would be a prophet. Sarah could not believe her ears!

“How could that be true” she wondered. “I am so old.”

Then the angels said, all these things are possible with Allah (SWT).

After a few months, Sarah got pregnant and gave birth to a child! The Prophet named Ishaaq(as), as the angels told him.

Ismail’s wife

After a few years, Prophet Ibrahim missed his son Ismail (as) badly, so he went to see him.

But when the Prophet reached the house of Ismail (as), he was not at home.

His wife came out, and when the Prophet asked her about Ismail(as), she replied

“He has gone in search of livelihood.” He then asked her how was their living conditions, to which she started complaining about everything!

She complained that they were living in misery and hardship, and many other things. She was not at all grateful for the blessings of Allah (SWT)

The Prophet realized she was not a suitable wife for his son, so he left her a message that his son would understand.

“When your husband returns, convey my salutations to him,” he said,

“and also tell him to change the threshold of the gate.” The Prophet then went back to his home.

When Ismail(as) returned home in the evening, he felt something unusual.

“Did anyone visit us today?” he asked her.

She replied yes, and passed on the message.

When Ismail(as) heard the message, he realized that his father had visited him that day and understood the news he had given her.

“It was my father who advised me to divorce you. You can go back to your family.” He told her.

His wife returned to her house, and Ismail (as) married another woman.

After a long time, Prophet Ibrahim (as) again missed his son, so he visited his new house again.

When he arrived, it was his new wife who answered the door.

The Prophet asked the same questions he had asked his former wife.

But this time, when she answered, the Prophet realized that she was a very grateful and kind woman. She thanked Allah(SWT) for the wonderful things happening around her, and the Prophet was very happy.

“When your husband comes home, give him my regards.”

The Prophet told Ismail’s wife. He added, “And tell him that he should keep the threshold of this gate firm.” He left after asking her to deliver this secret message.

When Ismail (as) came back in the evening, he asked his wife if anyone had come to visit him.

When his wife told him about the Prophet and the message,
Ismail (as) was very happy.

“It was my father,” said Ismail, “and you are the threshold of the gate. He asked me to keep you with me forever.” said the Prophet happily!!

Rest of the life of Ibrahim(A)

Prophet Ibrahim (as) lived for One hundred and seventy-five years! He lived a life full of trials. But he had a strong faith in Allah (SWT)!!

The life of Prophet Ibrahim (as) teaches us to love Allah (SWT) unconditionally. Even though there are more than 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran,

Allah(SWT) mentions only two prophets ideal for the whole of humanity, and they were: Prophet Muhammed (saw) and Prophet Ibrahim (as)


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